CMBES Student Chapters
Student Chapters help CMBES in our mission to advance and promote the theory and practice of engineering sciences and technology to medicine and biology.
Student Chapters are also eligible to receive matching financial funding from CMBES to support their activities.
CMBES Bylaws regarding Student Chapters
(CMBES Bylaws Section 1.7(b))
Students may establish a local student chapter of the Society provided:
- The student chapter has a faculty advisor, who is a CMBES member and at least one student member.
- The student chapter must have a minimum number of CMBES student members. The minimum number of CMBES student members is:
- Equal to the number of student members, if there are less than five student members
- Five student members, if there are between five and ten student members
- Half of the number of student members, if there are more than ten student members
- The constitution and by-laws of the proposed chapter are first approved by the Executive of the Society.
- The said local chapter must be self-supporting financially.
- The student chapter may apply for 1:1 matching financial support for activities that are consistent with the mission and goals of CMBES. Applications for financial support must be approved by the Executive of the Society. The maximum annual contribution from CMBES will be specified by the Executive of the Society.
- A formal annual report from the Chapter Executive is required for the National Executive.
- The student chapter must renew their status on an annual basis.
- Responsibility to the Society: where national or provincial issues are concerned, consultation with the Executive of the Society shall be required. The Executive of the Society shall have the prerogative to make final decisions about such matters. The Executive of the Society should be kept informed of issues of potential controversy in order to facilitate pertinent conjoint action if desired.
CMBES Student Chapter Application Process
- Complete the CMBES Student Chapter Application/Renewal form.
- Submit the Application/Renewal form and the Student Chapter constitution to the CMBES Secretariat ( ).
- Confirmation of application/renewal will be provided following review by the Membership Committee.
For any additional information, please contact CMBES Secretariat ( ).